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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

276.Quotes On Wil World-Part 6

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"The world must be made safe for democracy.." -Woodrow T. Wilson-

You May Like Quotes On Wil:World-Part 7

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"We for a certainty are not the first have sat in taverns while the tempest hurled their hopeful plans to emptiness, and cursed whatever brute and blackguard made the world.".-A. E. Housman-

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"We have wasted our spirit in the regions of the abstract and general just as the monks let it wither in the world of prayer and contemplation.".-Alexander Herzen-

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.".-Allen Ginsberg

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"And finally I twist my heart round again, so that the bad is on the outside and the good is on the inside, and keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be, and could be, if there weren't any other people living in the world.".-Anne Frank-
"Sometimes I'm asked by kids why I condemn marijuana when I haven't tried it. The greatest obstetricians in the world have never been pregnant.".-Art Linkletter-
"Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.".-Benjamin Franklin-
"No habit or quality is more easily acquired than hypocrisy, nor any thing sooner learned than to deny the sentiments of our hearts and the principle we act from: but the seeds of every passion are innate to us, and nobody comes into the world without them.".-Bernard Mandeville-
"The men who followed Him were unique in their generation. They turned the world upside down because their hearts had been turned right side up. The world has never been the same.".-Billy Graham-

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"A Code of Honor: Never approach a friend's girlfriend or wife with mischief as your goal. There are just too many women in the world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive.".-Bruce Friedman-
"Every luxury must be paid for, and everything is a luxury, starting with being in the world.".-Cesare Pavese-
"Men who accomplish great things in the industrial world are the ones who have faith in the money producing power of ideas.".-Charles Fillmore-
"Behold, my son, with what little wisdom the world is ruled.".-Count Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna-
"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. Management cannot be expected to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by a good salesman.".-David Ogilvy-
"There is no way in which to understand the world without first detecting it through the radar-net of our senses.".-Diane Ackerman-

More Quotes on World

"The world is moving so fast now-a-days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.".-Elbert Hubbard-
"It is probably not love that makes the world go around, but rather those mutually supportive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on each other for the achievement of shared and private goals.".-Fred A. Allen-
"I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now.".-Henry David Thoreau-
"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.".-Henry Ford-
"They are all gone into the world of light, and I alone sit lingering here.".-Henry Vaughan-
"Why, ever since Adam, who has got to the meaning of this great allegory - the world? Then we pygmies must be content to have out paper allegories but ill comprehended.".-Herman Melville-
"Plan for this world as if you expect to live forever;but plan for the hereafter as if you expect to die tomorrow.".-Ibn Gabirol-
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose, but their chains..Workers of the world unite!".-Karl Marx-
"Do not try to push your way through to the front ranks of your profession;do not run after distinctions and rewards;but do your utmost to find an entry into the world of beauty.".-Konstantin Stanislavisky-
"Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.".-Lily Tomlin-
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.".-Mark Twain-

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"Whoever has lived long enough to find out what life is, knows how deep a debt of gratitude we owe to Adam, the first great benefactor of our race. He brought death into the world.".-Mark Twain-
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.".-Norman Vincent Peale-
"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.".-Oliver Wendell Holmes-

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"It is very easy in the world to live by the opinion of the world. It is very easy in solitude to be self-centered. But the finished man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.".-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

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