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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

272.Quotes On Wil World-Part 2

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"The interesting and inspiring thing about America is that she asks nothing for herself except what she has a right to ask for humanity itself.." -Woodrow T. Wilson-

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Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"We are citizens of the world. The tragedy of our times is that we do not know this.".-Woodrow T. Wilson-

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"Science has ''explained'' nothing;the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness.".-Aldous Huxley-

Wil  by Woodrow T. Wilson
"As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?".-Alexis de Tocqueville

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"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.".-Anais Nin-
"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.".-Archimedes-
"True revolutionaries are like God - they create the world in their own image. Our awesome responsibility to ourselves, to our children, and to the future is to create ourselves in the image of goodness, because the future depends on the nobility of our imaginings.".-Barbara Grizzuti Harrison-
"The world is full of fools and faint hearts;and yet everyone has courage enough to bear the misfortunes, and wisdom enough to manage the affairs of his neighbor.".-Benjamin Franklin-
"When you move amidst the world of sense, free from attachment and aversion alike, there comes the peace in which all sorrows end, and you life in the wisdom of the Self.".-Bhagavad Gita-

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"Music can't change the world.".-Bob Geldof-
"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.".-C. S. Lewis-
"If a fellow wants to be a nobody in the business world, let him neglect sending the mail man to somebody on his behalf.".-Charles F. Kettering-
"You see few people here in America who really care very much about living a Christian life in a democratic world.".-Clare Boothe Luce-
"If we are to change our world view, images have to change. The artist now has a very important job to do. He's not a little peripheral figure entertaining rich people, he's really needed.".-David Hockney-
"Family is the most important thing in the world.".-Diana Princess of Wales-

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"Gratitude - the meanest and most sniveling attribute in the world.".-Dorothy Parker-
"The world is divided into two categories: failures and unknowns.".-Francis Picabia-
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.".-Helen Keller-
"We are eager to tunnel under the Atlantic and bring the Old World some weeks nearer to the New;but perchance the first news that will leak through into the broad, flapping American ear will be that the Princess Adelaide has the whooping cough.".-Henry David Thoreau-
"It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to under value them.".-Henry James-
"Therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions.".-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow-
"You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of every man. A contented mind confers it on all.".-Horace-
"Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles some families;well repressed, it unsettles the whole world.".-Karl Kraus-
"There is no solitude in the world like that of the big city.".-Kathleen Norris-
"Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world - though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst - the cant of criticism is the most tormenting!".-Laurence Sterne-
"The world has narrowed to a neighborhood before it has broadened to a brotherhood.".-Lyndon B. Johnson-

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"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that ain't so.".-Mark Twain-
"The way of the world is, to praise dead saints, and persecute living ones.".-Nathaniel Howe-
"No one but a fool would measure their satisfaction by what the world thinks of it.".-Oliver Goldsmith-

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"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written;in writing what deserves to be read;and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it.".-Pliny the Elder-

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