257.Quotes On War Wil-Part 7
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"The test of Christian character should be that a man is a joy-bearing agent to the world.." -Henry Ward Beecher-
"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.".-Norman Schwarzkopf-
"Freedom begins as we become conscious of it.".-Vernon Howard-
"We must become acquainted with our emotional household: we must see our feelings as they actually are, not as we assume they are. This breaks their hypnotic and damaging hold on us.".-Vernon Howard
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"You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life.".-A.L. Williams-
"France is the country where the money falls apart and you can't tear the toilet paper.".-Billy Wilder-
"The complex develops out of the simple.".-Colin Wilson-
"Literature flourishes best when it is half trade and half an art.".-Dean William R. Inge-
"Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in stranger's gardens.".-Douglas William Jerrold-
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"Some people are so fond of bad luck they run half way to meet it.".-Douglas William Jerrold-
"You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine.".-Flip Wilson-
"Gratitude is not only the memory but the homage of the heart rendered to God for his goodness.".-Nathaniel P. Willis-
"A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her.".-Oscar Wilde-
"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.".-Oscar Wilde-
"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his.".-Oscar Wilde-
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"Charity creates a multitude of sins.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Every man of ambition has to fight his century with its own weapons. What this century worships is wealth. The God of this century is wealth. To succeed one must have wealth. At all costs one must have wealth.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Fathers should be neither seen nor heard. That is the only proper basis for family life.".-Oscar Wilde-
"He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.".-Oscar Wilde-
"I have found that all ugly things are made by those who strive to make something beautiful, and that all beautiful things are made by those who strive to make something useful.".-Oscar Wilde-
"I never saw a man who looked with such a wistful eye upon that little tent of blue which prisoners call the sky.".-Oscar Wilde-
"If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.".-Oscar Wilde-
"In married life three is company two is none.".-Oscar Wilde-
"It is because Humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way.".-Oscar Wilde-
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"It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one behind one’s back that are absolutely and entirely true.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Lots of people act well, but few people talk well. This shows that talking is the more difficult of the two.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Men marry because they are tired;women, because they are curious;both are disappointed.".-Oscar Wilde-
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