238.Quotes On Reason:Sin:Society:Soul-Part 8
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"The reason why men do not obey us is because they see the mud at the bottom of our eye.." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
"Lukewarmness I account a sin, as great in love as in religion.".-Abraham Cowley-
"Idleness is a constant sin, and labor is a duty. Idleness is the devil's home for temptation and for unprofitable, distracting musings;while labor profit others and ourselves.".-Anne Baxter-
"Sin is geographical.".-Bertrand Russell
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"To those whose God is honor;only disgrace is a sin.".-David Hare-
"Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?".-Diogenes of Sinope-
"The worst superstition is to consider our own tolerable.".-Doris Lessing-
"For right is right, since God is God and right the day must win. To doubt would be disloyalty, to falter would be sin.".-Frederick W. Faber-
"I am being frank about myself in this book. I tell of my first mistake on page 850.".-Henry Kissinger-
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"The essence of this man [Richard M. Nixon] is loneliness.".-Henry Kissinger-
"If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.".-Isaac Bashevis Singer-
"The ultimate sin of any performer is contempt for the audience.".-Lester Bangs-
"Just as there is no loss of basic energy in the universe, so no thought or action is without its effects, present or ultimate, seen or unseen, felt or unfelt.".-Norman Cousins-
"Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all.".-Oliver Wendell Holmes-
"Fascism is capitalism plus murder.".-Upton Sinclair-
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"I am as frustrated with society as a pyromaniac in a petrified forest.".-A. Whitney Brown-
"I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either.".-Alexander Solzhenitsyn-
"Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.".-B. F. Skinner-
"The society of dead authors has this advantage over that of the living: they never flatter us to our faces, nor slander us behind our backs, nor intrude upon our privacy, nor quit their shelves until we take them down.".-Charles Caleb Colton-
"A drug is neither moral nor immoral - it's a chemical compound. The compound itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole.".-Frank Zappa-
"American society is a sort of flat, fresh-water pond which absorbs silently, without reaction, anything which is thrown into it.".-Henry Brooks Adams-
"Deep down, the US, with its space, its technological refinement, its bluff good conscience, even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation, is the only remaining primitive society.".-Jean Baudrillard-
"Our society distributes itself into Barbarians, Philistines and Populace;and America is just ourselves with the Barbarians quite left out, and the Populace nearly.".-Matthew Arnold-
"Society often forgives the criminal;it never forgives the dreamer.".-Oscar Wilde-
"Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other. Society acquires new arts, and loses old instincts.".-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
"A work of art has no importance whatever to society. It is only important to the individual.".-Vladimir Nabokov-
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"Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is.".-Amy Carmichael-
"We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.".-Aristotle-
"Myth is an attempt to narrate a whole human experience, of which the purpose is too deep, going too deep in the blood and soul, for mental explanation or description.".-David Herbert Lawrence-
"Whoever is out of patience is out of possession of his soul. Men must not turn into bees, and kill themselves in stinging others.".-Francis Bacon-
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